When you think of trauma, you probably think of physical trauma. Physical trauma comes at the hands of assailants, or in the form of really horrifying car accidents. However, physical trauma is not the only form of trauma, and trauma therapy does not have to follow just physical trauma. Here is why.
There Is Emotional and Psychological Trauma Too
Soldiers and domestic violence survivors suffer from PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder.
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Why Your Whole Family Needs Counseling When You're The Addict
When it comes to drug addiction, you think you're the only one affected by the disease of addiction. It doesn't matter what you're addicted to — be it drugs, prescription medications, or alcohol — when you have an addiction, the whole family suffers.
You should absolutely seek counseling for your addiction to help better your life and up your chances of staying clean. You should encourage your family to get counseling as well.
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What You Should Know About Alcohol Addiction Treatment
When you struggle with an alcohol use disorder or an alcohol addiction, it can feel like you are stuck in a situation that you cannot pull yourself out of. However, alcohol addiction is not a death sentence, and there are options available to help you overcome your alcohol issues. If you are looking to overcome your alcohol addiction, get to know some of the facts about alcohol addiction treatment that can help you in your pursuit of recovery.
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Thinking About Cheating? Try To Understand Why
It might not be a topic that you're proud to think about, but if you're tempted to cheat on your spouse or partner, it's often advantageous to think about why. The simple answer might be that you're attracted to someone else and have sexual urges that you want to satisfy, but relationship infidelity is often more complicated. A desire to cheat can often come from the fact that you're unhappy with your relationship to some degree.
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