3 Signs Your Teen Needs To Speak To A Psychiatrist

Children go through all sorts of changes as they grow up. They deal with peer pressure and ever-changing hormones. What might be a perfectly happy, healthy teen could end up turning into something disastrous for one reason or another. Whether it be that they are stressed out from things going on in everyday life or because something happened to them that they couldn't control, the key is helping the child deal with it in the best way possible. [Read More]

Sketching And Doodling To Combat Depression

Traditional art therapy for the treatment of psychiatric disorders is nothing new, of course, but nowadays many people are finding that simply sketching and doodling are helping them cope with depression. Since groups of sketchers are cropping up all over and people can now easily share their art and thoughts online, some are finding that the quality of their lives is improving through engaging in these quick forms of art-making. [Read More]

Therapeutic Separation: An Overview

Therapeutic separation is a process that involves the separation of a couple for the purpose of strengthening their marriage. While the idea may seem counterintuitive, it's gaining traction in the world of marriage counseling and may be just what you need to make your marriage stronger than ever.  The Purpose of Therapeutic Separation Marriage can be difficult and some days it may seem easier to call it quits than to continue on. [Read More]

Recognizing Emotional And Psychological Triggers: Why Counseling Is Vital To Drug Detox

If you are planning on entering a drug rehabilitation program, and this is your first time, you should know that there are some additional steps beyond the "drying out" phase. Many people assume that a drug rehab program means that they enter the program for a few days to a week, get past the hard part of not having access to the drug or using it, and then they are cured. [Read More]