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4 Signs You Have Adult ADD

Living with undiagnosed ADD comes with a host of symptoms that lead to difficulty with work, goals, and relationships. However, understanding if you have ADD symptoms is the first step to pursuing treatment and living a happier life. 

Everything Is Everywhere

The three core behavioral problems that occur with ADD are inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. In addition, one of the primary symptoms of impulsiveness is disorganization. 

Disorganization frequently presents itself as situations like messy desks, piled-up paperwork, and houses full of clutter. Typically, all of this disorganization doesn't happen overnight, and many adults with ADD try to find ways to cope with the mess. 

Often this disorganization occurs due to having difficulty prioritizing tasks, jumping from task to task, or dumping time-consuming tasks. If you often find yourself struggling to accomplish menial tasks and pouncing on the task that draws your attention the most, you should consider getting an ADD evaluation. 

You Have Difficulty Sitting Still

The most straightforward behavioral issue of ADD to identify is hyperactivity. Hyperactivity tends to show itself as an inability to sit still. However, being active or jittery isn't enough to be diagnosed with ADD.

In people with ADD, hyperactivity serves a purpose. Maybe you drum a pencil on your desk or jiggle your leg when you have to focus. You may also notice that you can't sit through an entire meeting or frequently get up during tasks at work. If this is the case, then an ADD evaluation may be what you need.

You Can't Stay The Course

Impulsiveness goes further than disorganization if you have ADD. Impulsiveness can look like starting projects but being unable to finish them. Likewise, it can look like goals you try to chip away at but can never seem to gain traction toward completion. 

When asked to focus on a task for an extended period, it may also feel like every tiny thing needs your attention. However, it can take all the fortitude you have to stay the course and get something finished. 

You Lose Things

Inattentiveness tends to present itself as constantly wondering where things went. When you have ADD, it's easy to misplace things. Often you'll set something down, get distracted, and then completely forget where you've put something. As such, if you find yourself constantly losing things like your wallet, keys, or other vital objects, you might have ADD. 

If these symptoms sound familiar, you should reach out for an ADD evaluation. During an assessment for ADD, a mental health professional will interview you and give you assessments to fill out. After you complete them, the professional will let you know if you have ADD and discuss treatment options with you. Contact an ADD evaluation service for more information. 
